Our Philosophy

Nature is the most advanced technology.™

Mother nature has released some of its secrets and a lot of them remain undisclosed.
For centuries, certain varieties of seaweeds have engineered and developed unique abilities to survive and multiply in extreme conditions for life. 
C-Green-Ag Biotechnology' DNA is to discover and unlock some mother nature's secrets. 

From a selection of five specific seaweeds, C-Green-Ag Biotechnology, selects, extracts, and preserves five groups of active ingredients. Each of these five groups enhance and improve vital and critical metabolic functions of the crop.
Our products are a new generation of products for modern agriculture which help you to boost the quality yield and strengthen the plant health.

Please discover our full American agronomic scientific data results.

Give nature an opportunity to provide the solutions you are looking for. 


Patentable Processes

Agronomic Studies

Product materials

Distributors Locations

Functionalities & Applications

meet the team

Jupiter city recognition award

C•GREEN•AG Biotechnology is proud to receive by the city of Jupiter, FL a recognition and an award for its contribution to Agriculture and Mining sector.

Innovation prize winner

C-Green-Ag is the winner for the prize of innovation category "Environment" and the overall top winner of innovation by the French-American Chamber of Commerce, Florida.

R&D: New products for new crops

FL & GA: SOD, peanuts, blueberries, peppers, citrus, peaches CA: Walnuts, almonds, strawberries

Launch of Vegro® for veggies & PhysioPower® for T&O

Industrial technology expansion

Consolidation and business expansion with local distributors

Creation of the manufacturing unit in the US

Reactivity and proximity with its markets

Launch of product: CYAN 365® for Perennial fruit trees

Creation C-Green-Ag Biotechnology

First agronomic and scientific studies

Invention of the C-Green-Ag's technology

Industrial scale pilot batches

Pioneer family in technology for seaweeds applied in agriculture

First family owned invention patents of extraction on marine plants to create first generations of liquid seaweed based for agriculture. Over the next decade, not less than 11 other new invented patents have been created.