As a stone fruit grower, a bumper crop would be one with large fruit size, uniform size and shape and a more homogenous color break with juicy, sweet flesh. But how can your orchards generate this exceptional yield? CYAN 365® is your solution. Also and thanks to the natural immuno-activators contained in the product and with adaptated programs (very specific for stone fruit) you will improve the efficacy of your fungicides and it might help you so to grow even more natural by reducing your chemical inputs. But the greatest reward will be when other growers consult with you about what you are doing.

Quality Yield
Uniform Size
Early Maturity
Healthier Crop
Agronomic Data
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Disease and dwindling numbers cause you to spend more money and in most cases for more chemicals. Small fruit size, inconsistent shape, and anemic colors present a big problem. How can you improve the overall health of your trees without adding chemicals?

Our solution

CYAN 365® for perennial fruit trees is the answer you are looking for and will exceed your expectations.  With its high potent, concentrated natural active ingredients, CYAN 365® is a material which helps to:

  • Produce more quality yield
  • Revive the canopy and root mass (flush push, feeding root, larger leaves)
  • Promote a solid quality of flowering
  • Grow larger size fruit
  • More uniform sizes
  • Reduce early fruit drop
  • More harmonious color break
  • Improve the efficacy of the fungicides
  • Improve the overall tree health and reduces negative stress

CYAN 365® has a proven track record with high profile penrennial fruit tree growers. CYAN 365® is not a fertilizer nor a fungicide. It is a natural biostimulant which works in combination with your fungicides and fertilizers. Click here to read our various agronomic studies on different crops that demonstrate scientifically  the performance of our products.

Get a Free Copy for Stone Fruit.

CYAN 365® Stone Fruit Program

Improve the quality of your yield by promoting the packout ratio and the inner quality of the fruit (juice content, brix...). In the same time you will improve the overall health of your crop. The natural immuno-activators contained will improve the efficacy of the fungicides and will also help to reduce your chemical inputs whilst you will continue to produce more quality yield. Grow more efficiently, grow more naturally! Grow more sustainable!

Stages of Application

End of Blooming

End Petal Fallen + / - 10 Days

After Thinning

Color Break

FOLIAR application
1 Quart per Acre







[Cell differentiation] To produce strong flowering inflorescences, and at the same time, increase and enhance silk strength. These balanced and solid flowering structures tend to set and hold a greater percentage of fruit and carry this fruit to maturity.



[Cell division] Post-bloom application shifts the tree’s carbohydrate distribution system (carbohydrate partitioning), so that the tree’s flowering and fruiting structures receive more of the tree’s resources (increasing flower/fruitlet silk strength). During the stage #1 period (fruit development), cells divide rapidly, which determines the final fruit size. This is precisely where CYAN 365® takes action, enhancing the process to enable larger-size fruit to potentially develop.

It is well known that faster-growing fruit set will survive to harvest, while slower-growing fruit abscise early in their development.



[Cell division & enlargement] With this application, CYAN 365® continue trends established with the first two applications. There is an increase in the amount of the carbohydrates partitioned to the developing fruit and increased silk strength. This effect decreases the pre-harvest fruit drop of peaches.

This spray is also fundamental to ensuring good-quality fruit formation. It improves the intercellular communication speed. Meanwhile, it also improves the metabolic signal quality. This increases the crop’s ability to conduct its natural growth replication process (cell division & enlargement).

These effects are also responsible for developing the canopy (photosynthesis stimulated) and decreasing the early fruit drop.

This application is also beneficial to the summer flush, helping to develop strong and large leaves that will nourish the developing fruit.

Important to apply +/- 20 days after petal fallen and after thinning.



We recommend applying an extra CYAN 365® application at color break for improved homegenous maturation and early tops. This final phase also helps to complete fruit development, ensure high yields, improve pack-out, and prepare the tree for overwintering. 

More good shaped and healthier fruit set, more well shaped and healthier fruit, better thinning will be and better final harvest will be.